Simon Dubé is a PhD candidate in Psychology specializing in human sexuality, sextech, and Erobotics the study of human-machine erotic interaction and co-evolution. His work also explores Space Sexology, and how we can integrate sex research into space programs. He completed his BA in Psychology at the Université de Montréal. He is a student representative of the International Academy of Sex Research and a general co-Chair of the International Congress on Love & Sex with Robots. His doctoral research is funded by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec Santé (FRQS).

This is the thesis put forward by research published in The Journal of Sex Research; this work suggests that a high level of sexual arousal could open up the possibility that people would be more likely to have sex with a robot that would be specially manufactured for this task.

According to Simon Dubé, member of the team responsible for the study called ‘Hot for Robots! Sexual Arousal Increases Willing to Have Sex with Robots’, although humanoid robots may eventually emerge whose appearance and behaviors are designed to generate sexual arousal, further studies are still needed to determine whether such sexual desire could have a powerful influence on people considering these machines as a permanent artificial partner.

To conduct the research, the team of scientists gathered a group of 321 adult participants, who were recruited through a call via the Internet. Among the requirements that the candidates had to meet were that all of them had seen movies or other erotic content, that they knew English and that they had completed an online survey.

The questionnaire sought to collect information about each candidate’s interest in having an intimate interaction with people and robots.

After a week, the researchers asked their candidates to perform another exercise in which they had to watch a 10 minutes video showing people engaging in sexual activity. Subsequently, the study participants were asked to complete a report that collected information about their level of sexual arousal and their willingness to have erotic contact with robots and other people.

After collecting and analyzing the data obtained from the study group, Simon Dubé’s team discovered that people would be more willing to have sex with a robot if they experienced very high levels of sexual excitement.

As a conclusion,

«Sexual excitement may influence people’s willingness to interact erotically with artificial partners. These data create a need to expand research on sexual excitement and decision making to the field of electronic robotics,» the study states.

It should be noted that increasingly close interaction between humans and artificially intelligent machines is a situation that has generated a sharp debate about the negative effects that AIs could have on human society.

In fact, the European press recently reported the case of a man who decided to take his own life after several weeks of close contact with an artificial intelligence. (According to a publication on the Belgian portal, a Belgian man decided to end his life after several weeks of interaction with an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot called ‘Eliza’).

See more: Simon Dubé – Universidad Concordia

Los mejores robots sexuales ¿cuál escogerías? | GQ

¿Cuáles son los usos sexuales de los robots que preocupan a los científicos? – BBC News Mundo

Los robots sexuales ayudarán a los humanos a mejorar sus habilidades sexuales | BANG Premier


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